December 2023 by Patricia Hunter, State LTC Ombuds Click Here to read article
December 18, 2023 by Adam Chromy Click Here to read article
We the undersigned individuals and organizations support robust resident rights for individuals living in licensed long-term care and believe that all residents should be provided the same basic human rights and protections, regardless of the kind of setting they live in. We ask the legislature to fulfill the promise made in RCW. 70.129
Click here to download PDF Bill Number Bill Sponsor Subject Current Status LTCOP Position Comments HB 1694- Alvarado Addressing home care workforce shortages. Apr 19 Delivered to Governor. Support Working with bill sponsor. SB 5120- Dhingra Establishing 23-hour crisis relief centers in Washington state. Apr 24 Delivered to Governor. Support with concerns
Click here to download a PDF of the tracker. Bill Number Bill Sponsor Subject Current Status LTCOP Position Comments HB 1694- Alvarado Addressing home care workforce shortages. IN THE HOUSE 4/13- House concurred in Senate amendments. Passed final passage; yeas, 96; nays, 0; absent, 0; excused, 2. Support Working with bill sponsor. SB 5120-
Click here to download PDF Bill Number Bill Sponsor Subject Current Status LTCOP Position Comments HB 1694- Alvarado Addressing home care workforce shortages. 3/23 Executive action taken in the Senate Committee on Health & Long Term Care at 10:30 AM. 3/24- Passed to Rules Committee for second reading. Support Working with bill
Click Here to Download PDF Bill Number Bill Sponsor Subject Current Status LTCOP Position Comments HB 1694- Alvarado Addressing home care workforce shortages. 3/17- In the Senate- Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Health & Long Term Care at 8:00 AM. Support Working with bill sponsor. No change since last
Click Here to Download PDF. Bill Number Bill Sponsor Subject Current Status LTCOP Position Comments HB 1694- Alvarado Addressing home care workforce shortages. 3/17- In the Senate- Scheduled for public hearing in the Senate Committee on Health & Long Term Care at 8:00 AM (Subject to change). Support Working with bill sponsor
Re: APA Appeal- WACs 388-76, 388-78A, and 388-107 Dear Professor Brodoff: On December 29, 2022, the Governor’s Office received the appeal you filed following the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services’ (DSHS) decision to deny your petition to amend WACs 388-76, 388-78A, and 388-107, all relating to discharge rights for residents in adult
Click here to download PDF Bill Number Bill Sponsor Subject Current Status LTCOP Position Comments HB 1694- Alvarado Addressing home care workforce shortages. 3/6- In the Senate- First reading referred to Health & Long-Term Care. Support Working with bill sponsor SB 5120- Dhingra Establishing 23-hour crisis relief centers in Washington state. 3/3-
Click here to download PDF Bill Number Bill Sponsor Subject Current Status LTCOP Position Comments HB 1694- Alvarado Addressing home care workforce shortages. 2/28- Rules Committee relieved of further consideration. Placed on second reading. Support Working with bill sponsor SB 5120- Dhingra Establishing 23-hour crisis relief centers in Washington state. 3/1- 2nd
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Click here to open pdf of Legislative Bill Tracker 2/3/2023
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Further Reading Long-Term Care Ombuds Program Funding Model Recommendations, Washington State Department of Commerce Decision Package 2023-25, Washington State Department of Commerce Fact Sheet [Click Here to Download PDF]
A fair and equitable government agency looks for legally supportable ways to further its mission to protect vulnerable populations rather than erring on the side of doing nothing, especially when there is little to no legal risk. Here, the Department of Social and Health Services (“Department”) is avoiding doing what it agrees is an equitable
Click Here to Download PDF of DSHS Petition Denial
From the Washington Post’s Christopher Rowland, “Critics say the details of Sira’s suffering add to decades of accumulated evidence that residents suffer more complications, such as bed sores and falls, in nursing homes with inadequate numbers of front-line nurses and nursing assistants. Now, after years of debate and industry resistance, the Biden administration has set
Twenty-seven years ago, the state legislature extended the federal rights of nursing home residents to the residents of all long-term care settings in Washington—including the right to appeal an involuntary transfer or discharge through an administrative hearing. However, the Department of Social and Health Services (the Department) has never amended its rules to provide this
Click here to download pdf of the Petition
“The resident has the right to ‘reside and receive services in the facility with reasonable accommodation of individual needs and preferences, except when the health or safety of the individual or other residents would be endangered” WAC (Washington Administrative Code): 388-97-08010. OBRA Interpretive Guideline at F-253: “Reasonable Accommodations” requirement means ‘those adaptations of the facility’s
(No longer active) WA State DAC Flyer Survey The Dementia Action Collaborative (DAC), is a group of public and private partners implementing the Washington State Plan to Address Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias. We at the Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program support this work and would very much appreciate your input. Washington state’s Dementia
The Older Americans Act (OAA) mandates that LTCOPs provide systems-level advocacy to assure that the needs of long-term care residents are fully represented. Represent the interests of residents before governmental agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. This includes analyzing, commenting on, monitoring and
The Older Americans Act (OAA) mandates that LTCOPs provide systems-level advocacy to assure that the needs of long-term care residents are fully represented. Represent the interests of residents before governmental agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. This includes analyzing, commenting on, monitoring and
The Older Americans Act (OAA) mandates that LTCOPs provide systems-level advocacy to assure that the needs of long-term care residents are fully represented. Represent the interests of residents before governmental agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. This includes analyzing, commenting on, monitoring and
The Older Americans Act (OAA) mandates that LTCOPs provide systems-level advocacy to assure that the needs of long-term care residents are fully represented. Represent the interests of residents before governmental agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. This includes analyzing, commenting on, monitoring and
What does HB 2750 do for Washingtonians? HB 2750 creates a council of stakeholders, consumers and experts to make recommendations on quality, independent consumer information and reporting the value of assisted living facilities that doesn’t exist now. It establishes the Assisted Living Facility Quality Measurement program to provide information to consumers about assisted living facilities.
The Older Americans Act (OAA) mandates that LTCOPs provide systems-level advocacy to assure that the needs of long-term care residents are fully represented. Represent the interests of residents before governmental agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. This includes analyzing, commenting on, monitoring and
The Older Americans Act (OAA) mandates that LTCOPs provide systems-level advocacy to assure that the needs of long-term care residents are fully represented. Represent the interests of residents before governmental agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. This includes analyzing, commenting on, monitoring and
Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, the Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program, and Disability Rights Washington have merged resources, knowledge, and skills in a unique statewide collaboration to effect change for survivors living in long-term care. This informed effort engages people from across the systems so long-term care is transformed, accountable and intolerant of
The Older Americans Act (OAA) mandates that LTCOPs provide systems-level advocacy to assure that the needs of long-term care residents are fully represented. Represent the interests of residents before governmental agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. This includes analyzing, commenting on, monitoring and
The Older Americans Act (OAA) mandates that LTCOPs provide systems-level advocacy to assure that the needs of long-term care residents are fully represented. Represent the interests of residents before governmental agencies and seek administrative, legal, and other remedies to protect the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents. This includes analyzing, commenting on, monitoring and